
How to know he is the right one

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Imagine you are seeing this guy. Not just an ordinary guy, he is really special to you. The chemistry is great, you have the same humor and you understand each other. After a couple of weeks, you guys meet more frequently. Without realizing it, you like him a lot. The worst part comes now. You start wondering if he is the right one. How much does he like me? Will he stay? Or is he just playing around? To know if he is the right one, we need to analyze his core. Because when we take the appearance away, it is quite simple what to look out for. Basically, we all just want a partner who supports us. The only question we have to answer is how to know he is the right one for you! Let’s dive in.

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Entering the zone – Part VI : Protect

Reading Time: 7 minutesEvery time when I was competing in sports games or when I was working every Saturday on my blog and various projects, I enter an empowering state of mind.  In this state, I forget my surroundings, the people around me, the music I am listening to, and the difficulties I am struggling with. Furthermore, in this state, I can channel my whole brain’s capacity. Everything is slower around me and tasks are clearer than ever before. In addition, I ignore all kinds of distractions from my phones and surroundings. I am entering the zone.

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How to be more productive – Part I : Prioritizing

Reading Time: 4 minutes

”I have no time.”, is with ”I am fine.” one of the biggest lies, existing in human society. Every time you tell a person you do not have time for him is eloquent to ” I am sorry. You are not important at the moment.”
This is not a big deal. Everyone does that.
However, it is worse if you tell yourself. ”I have no time for the gym, my partner, or my goals.” And you come with some shitty weak excuses.
”I have no time” – is a cheap excuse to close the issue fast as possible. Instead of planning or executing, you close the case with ”I have no time for that.”  And this –  is the biggest harm you can ever do to yourself.
This is one of our main struggles in life, everyone has problems with how to be more productive or manage their time properly.

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