Start to invest to multiply time – Part III: Invest
Eating out is one of the most expensive and widely spread expenses in my generation of young adults. Especially in Berlin, where many cultures offer all kinds of food around the world in every corner of Berlin. So, it is no surprise that many young people dedicate their lives to food. Therefore, eating out every week or every 3 days is part of their life now. Doing it when it is your profession or to build a food blog is a reasonable decision overall. But eating out every week is just a crazy amount of money wasted. So, in our third post series about multiplying time, we will talk about investment. In the last post, we discussed why and how we eliminate actions and tasks to multiply our time. Today we will have a closer look at automating processes to save you time. Especially, why you should start to invest to multiply your time. …
Start to invest to multiply time – Part III: InvestRead More »
Start to invest to multiply time – Part III: Invest Read More »