
Why do couples hurt each other – Part II

Reading Time: 7 minutes

In the last post, we got a small insight into why couples hurt each other. Based on that we will go deeper into the topic. I will analyze common arguments and show you the true intention of the words. In addition, how men and women differ in their understanding. Let us dive into this with – Why do couples hurt each other – Part II.

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12 Ways to stop overthinking

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Every new encounter with another person, with problems or conflicts many of us tend to overthink. More a burden than a blessing. In addition, many opinions and external information, some valid and some invalid, influence our decision-making. Instead of analyzing the situation, we draw, no, we create scenarios. Possible scenarios and never-gonna-happen scenarios. You know these kinds of problems. It messes up our sleep schedule and irritates our thinking process. So, here are 12 ways to stop overthinking.

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The only way to achieve your goal

Reading Time: 5 minutesEveryone does struggle to achieve their goals. Small goals, big goals, achievable goals, and utopian goals. Not only we do not know how to set our goals right but also we do not know how to stay motivated to finally get there. There is only one way to achieve your goal. Let’s please your mind.

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