
The Top 5 Relationship Mistakes Women Make with Men

Reading Time: 7 minutes

The relationships end in many different ways. Some are really quick, some too fast. Others had a bad start and are doomed already. And again others start great but end up sour. You wonder what happened when you finally believed in true love. Especially those relationships that will fill you with a feeling of regret. What happened? You will wonder yourself at 2 a.m. Did he hide his true self? Or did I ruin this one? To prevent repeating the same mistakes, I thought about common mistakes women can make. Here are the top 5 relationship mistakes women make with men.

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The Four critical thinking mistakes

Reading Time: 6 minutesOur mind is a powerful tool. It can create new realities, it can find a new path in our life and it can find unthinkable solutions. Keeping a strong mindset and developing constantly is a great way to refresh our minds. During the process, we might think to improve our capabilities. However, when we thought we are improving or find a solution, it can harm us. We are only human beings and we do mistakes in our thought processes. Here are the four mistakes we make in our thinking.

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